Hybrid Board Meetings

Despite numerous board members’ wishes to return to meetings in person, the epidemic has forced the majority of us to continue meeting online. This hybrid model is not going away, and boards must find a way of running effective meetings that are both in person and remote attendees.

To keep meetings productive, it’s essential that the chair of the board follows the agenda. He or she should also provide clear guidelines. Digital tools can also to speed up the process of meetings by making it easier for attendees to go through issues more quickly. It is also essential that attendees from both locations receive the same materials ahead of time. This includes the slides and documents used during the meeting as well as notes and information sent out in advance.

Prioritizing engagement will ensure that everyone is on the same page during hybrid meetings. It is vital to ensure that the virtual platform is functioning properly and that all links have been downloaded and clicked before the meeting begins. You can spot and fix any issues earlier by having an experienced employee log into the meeting.

In the same way it is beneficial to turn off the microphone when you’re not speaking will cut out background noises and echoes. This allows everyone to focus on the issue at hand. Before the meeting begins, it’s a good idea for you to close any extra tabs or stop playing any music or videos. A board management program that is accessible will help make your meeting more accessible for those who suffer from hearing, speech and vision disabilities.



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