Igbo Landing site at Dunbar Creek on St Simons Island Glynn County Georgia, USA has an interesting story behind it..

In 1803 a number of Igbo and other Western captives were bought from the then Kingdom of Benin( present day Nigeria) and chained under deck of the ship called the wanderer. Slave traders,John Couper and Thomas Spalding bought them and intended to sell them to plantations on St Simons Island. During the voyage,the Igbo slaves rebelled,overpowered and drowned their captors and in the process caused the grounding of the ship in Dunbar Creek. The escaped slaves marched ashore led by their Chief and singing in their language, marched into the waters of Dunbar creek, committing mass suicide. They chose death rather than slavery in a land far from theirs! Rosewell King a plantation foreman on the nearby Pierce Butler plantation wrote the first account of this incident.

A freind of mine, a black farmer in Georgia posted this story on his Facebook account. Many African slaves would bring, hidden in their hair seeds from Africa and introduce them to Africa.

He wrote; “Today I’m harvesting some rare cow peas from Nigeria where my ancestors lived…………………..These seeds tell a story of empowerment and brave resolve to stick to your beliefs under any circumstances………….I hope to honour my ancestors with the resurrection and stewardship of these seeds with our southern food culture.Yes! Every seed has a story!


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