How do i get control of my child (student) for school – they are out of control! Algebra can seem quite daunting at first. Suddenly there are x’s and y’s popping up all over the place where previously you just had numbers. You may have heard from other people – friends, family etc that it’s […]
Read moreHow should chicken be kept? FREE RANGE is generally practiced by households and small scale farmers. The hens roam around freely scouring for feed within the yard and surrounding areas. Owners only supplement with leftovers from their own meals. There’s is little monitoring or control. CONFINEMENT means keepin hens enclosed 24seven. Large commercial farmers prefer […]
Read moreSelecting good birds for your local chicken farm is of great importance. There is an amusing story in a book about family: a tall well built woman agrees to marry a short skinny man hoping that one day “I will change him”. Is it possible to change him to become taller or fatter with better […]
Read moreSylvia Wanyonyi is an aggressive farmer/entrepreneur in Mukono. One of her most recent projects is a turkey farm. She says: Turkeys can be raised for several reasons: Having fresh turkey on your dinner table all year round is only one reason to raise a small flock of these wonderful birds. Raising turkey can also be […]
Read moreRearing local or village hens can be fun and good business. It’s not capital intensive as rearing exotic hens is. Starting with one rooster and ten hens could see a farmer with 300 or more birds in just one year! In the next few posts I will take you through some training and information.
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